A couple of months after launching the Xiaomi Watch S1 Pro, Xiaomi is back again and preparing to launch the Xiaomi Watch S2 Pro in December 2023. The wearable is a sporty smartwatch that may come in a circular shape with a 1.47-inch AMOLED screen and may be equipped with a heart rate monitor, Monitor de oxigênio no sangue SPO2, Modos multiesportivos, GPS, NFC, 5Caixa eletrônico à prova d'água, and may support Bluetooth calling. So let¡¯s check the full specs!
Xiaomi Watch S2 Pro SmartWatch Full Specs:
So far! there are no rumors or information about the looks or technical features of the Xiaomi Watch S2 Pro. However, we are going to put our full expectations of the Upcoming S2 Pro Smartwatch.
Dispositivo | Mi Watch S2 Pro |
Forma | Circular |
Dimensão | 47*47*11.5m |
Peso | 50g |
Cores | Preto, Prata, Blue |
Mostrar | AMOLED |
Tamanho da tela | 1.47 Polegada |
Resolução da tela | 466 x 466 pixels |
Sistema operacional compatível | Android & iOS |
Sensores |
Bluetooth | V5.3 |
GPS | Sim |
NFC | Sim |
Bluetooth call | Sim |
Modo multiesportivo | Sim |
Monitor de frequência cardíaca | Sim |
Sleep Monitor | Sim |
Monitor de oxigênio no sangue | Sim |
Impermeável | 5Caixa eletrônico |
Recursos adicionais |
Capacidade da bateria | 500 mAh |
Normal Usage | 7-12 dias |
Aplicativo | Zeep App |
Alça | Silicone, Leather |
Preço | $$ The prices below |
Price and Release Date?
In fact! there is no information about the price and the release date of the Xiaomi Watch S2 Pro. However, we expect that Xiaomi will release the Mi Watch S2 Pro in December 2023 at a price range between $200 to $240. Buy Xiaomi Watch S1 Pro
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