A couple of months after launching the Apple Watch SE 2, Apple may start thinking of releasing the Apple Watch SE 3 alongside Apple Watch 9 in 2023. The wearable is a sporty watch that may come in a square shape with a 1.78-inch LTPO OLED screen and may be equipped with a heart rate monitor, SPO2 Blood oxygen monitor, GPS, ví dụ, NFC, WIFI, 5ATM Waterproof, and so on. So let¡¯s dive into the full details!
Apple Watch SE 3 (3rd generation) Full Specs:
So far! there are no rumors or information about the looks or technical features of the Apple Watch SE 3. However, we will put our full expectations of the Upcoming Apple Watch SE 3rd generation.
Thiết bị | Apple Watch SE 3rd Gen |
Hình dạng | Rectangular |
Kích thước | 44 x 38 x 10.7 mm |
Cân nặng | 33g |
Colors | Black, Red, Silver, Blue |
Trưng bày | LTPO OLED |
Screen Size | 1.78 Inch |
Độ phân giải màn hình | 448 x 368 pixel |
Operating System Os | watchOS 9.3 |
Sensors |
Bluetooth | V5.3 |
GPS | Đúng |
NFC | Đúng |
ví dụ | Đúng |
Chế độ đa thể thao | Đúng |
Máy đo nhịp tim | Đúng |
Blood Oxygen Monitor | Đúng |
Blood Pressure Monitor | Đúng |
không thấm nước | 5ATM Waterproof |
Additional Features |
Battery Capacity | 300 mAh |
Sử dụng bình thường | 2-3 ngày |
App name | Apple Watch App |
Dây đeo | Silicon, Steel, Metal |
Giá | $$ The prices are below |
Price and Release Date?
In fact! there is no information about the price and the release date of the Apple Watch SE 3 2023. However, we expect that Apple may launch the SE 3rd generation in September 2023 at a price range between $250 to $290. Buy Apple Watch SE 2
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